Gerard Bosch

Gerard Bosch

Software Engineer | Craftsman


👋 Hi, this is Gerard!

I’m a backend engineer, and I’m interested in Functional Programming, software engineering/craftsmanship, clean code, architectural/design patterns, API definition & tooling, and programming languages theory.

I’ve been mainly working in distributed systems, API definition and architectures for financial sector with the JVM ecosystem: Kotlin, Java, Spring,…

I’m very interested in type and effect systems, Scala, and its functional ecosystem. Here you can check my » 📜 RESUME « and other content I published.

You can read more 📒👀 about my best practices and skills at:

  • Functional Programming
  • Distributed systems
  • Big/Fast Data & Streaming
  • Blockchain, crypto, decentralization & Web3
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Software Engineering

The other me…

Hobbies, spare time, etc

On my free time I enjoy,

  • 🎸 With music –mainly 60s and 50s Rock’n’Roll, Beat, Popsike, Rhyth&Blues, Soul, Jazz, and a long etc. I really love live-shows 🎙 and dancing 🕺.
  • ✈️ Travelling and discovering the 🌎 world and its people.
  • ⛰️ Exploring the countryside from time to time.
  • 💻 Researching in computer science/open source, and engaging with tech communities that share that interest of learning.